Home - Hamstrings
Hamstrings exercise
Dumbbell Leg Curl
- Lay flat on a bench with a dumbbell between your feet.
- Flex your knees and raise the dumbbell until the soles of your shoes are pointed at the ceiling.
Difficulty : Beginner
Hamstrings exercise
- Get down on all fours and position your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
- Kick back with one leg and squeeze your glutes.
- Slowly return to starting position by bending your knee and lowering your leg.
- Switch Legs. Repeat.
Difficulty : Beginner
Hamstrings exercise
Single Legged Romanian Deadlifts
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent and raise one leg.
- Without changing the bend in your knee, bend at your hips, and lower your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor.
- Tense your glutes and then bring yourself back to the starting position.
Difficulty : Beginner
Hamstrings exercise
Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts
- Stand with a barbell at your shins with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Bend forward at your hips and keep your knees as fully extended as possible.
- Grab the barbell and then extend your hips while maintaining a straight back.
- From the standing position, lower the weight in a controlled manner.
- You can either lower the weight to the floor or before you touch the floor, depending on your mobility.
Difficulty : Beginner